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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn


Bible Study

Christian Booklet

Christian Education

Church Choir Singers and Music Sheets


Worship with us at 9am, every Sunday!

Each Sunday, we gather at 9am for worship.  It's an uplifting time of music and fellowship, and hearing a timely, thought-provoking message that prepares us for the week to come.  It's a welcoming, safe space where everyone is made to feel included and appreciated.  In the summer months, our Sunday morning service is held outside, in the "green cathedral", at the rear of the church.

Online Meditation

Join us via zoom

Insight Meditation

Our Zoom sessions in the Insight meditation tradition continue. 

Mindfulness practice allows us to be more present for our lives, with greater awareness, joy, and compassion both for ourselves and others. These classes are suitable for those beginning and experienced at meditation.  


Practice will include guided sitting meditation, dharma talks, and metta phrases. Our weekly sessions will commence Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m. on the Meditation Zoom link listed on the HSUC calendar. Once you have registered, you will be welcomed by the zoom host each Tuesday after 1:15 p.m.

Join us via zoom

Bible Study

The Community Bible Study is a friendly and supportive gathering of curious and faithful folk who have A LOT of questions!  And there are no "right" answers!  We open up the Word of God, as we open up our hearts, and try to understand a wee bit more than when we arrived.  All are most welcome!

Community Bible Study
Time: Every week on Wed 10:00 - 11:30ish



Meeting ID: 879 5042 1901

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Reading Bible
Christian Booklet

you are loved

Christian Development

Learning about our faith is important at Huron Shores United Church!

Christian Education is available to all people, through various pursuits such as Bible Study, Meditation, the minister's Mid-Week Meditation on Facebook, and activities available to children that they can enjoy in the Gathering Place while the Sunday service is going on.

come sing with us


Music is a huge part of Huron Shores United Church!

The amazing volunteer choir provides music every Sunday with hymn support and an inspiring anthem. In addition, occasional soloists, instrumentalists and groups provide outstanding music.  

If you enjoy singing and would like to give joining the choir a try, just contact the Director of Music. You do not have to read music to participate. (But it helps!)


Elva McIntyre, Choir Director


Choir practice is every Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:00pm in the

Gathering Place. And choir members get the summers off!

Reading Music in Choir
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