Fellowship & Outreach
All of us, believers and non-believers, desire some kind of fellowship and connection
what's happening at HSUC







Our Food Pantry
donations fill the pantry...and the door is open for those who need it
Imagine choosing between paying your utility bill or buying groceries. Imagine watching your children go to bed hungry. These are everyday challenges for one in five Canadians who experience food insecurity. The Grand Bend Community Food Pantry, the first and only resource of its kind in the Grand Bend area, will help ensure that the people around us have fresh food on their tables and staples in their cupboards. Through local donations of food, essential supplies, cash and volunteer help, the Pantry is an accessible, discreet, no-questions-asked food bank on our property, to alleviate hunger for anyone in need.

Grocery Gift Cards
it's a win, win!
How does the program work? By purchasing these cards in bulk, the stores allow us a discount which varies between 2% and 5%, depending on the store and the size of the order. That discount goes to the church and we each get credit for our portion as a charitable donation and therefore an income tax credit. It’s easy to see how greater participation could make a significant difference to our church’s finances.
order form 2025
Caring Casseroles
we prep, we cook, then handout to people in need
On a regular basis, volunteers get together to make up simple meals that can be frozen, and then distributed as needed. There's a lot of laughter mixed in with the ingredients, and new volunteers are always welcome!
Watch for the announcements to find out when the next cook-a-thon will be!

Free Store
happens 2 times a year
Twice a year (spring and fall) the church opens its doors for anyone to come in and take what they need from donated items of clothing, housewares, non-perishable food stuff, and much more! Watch here for details of dates and times!

Prayer Shawl
inspired to knit
This group both knits and crochets large shawls, pocket prayer shawls, and little prayer bears that are filled with prayers and are then available to be taken out into ministry, whenever there is a need.
Working together to give comfort to those who are experiencing difficult times as well as celebrating some of the happier moments, to date over 700 shawls and lap blankets, over 500 pocket prayer shawls and more than 400 prayer bears have been distributed.
That is a lot of love being sent out to others!

Book Club
book club for our community
Books are chosen from our Right Relations Working Group.
They are thought provoking & the folks that gather after reading the selected book are guaranteed a lively discussion!
Wait to find out what the next book will be!​