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The Affirming Team provides leadership in education, discussion and reflection as our congregation moves towards becoming an officially Affirming Congregation, and a member of Affirm United/S'Affirmer Ensemble.


This means that we will be explicitly and publicly welcoming and supportive of persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and committed to the inclusion in congregational life of all persons -- in our diversity of ability, race, colour, economic circumstances, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life challenges.


Janice Sinker, Chair, Wilma Harris, Betsy Hanes, Leslie Bella

and Rev. Dr. Kate Crawford



Our journey to become an Affirming congregation for LGBTQ persons began in 2013 when a member of our church returned from a visit to Nova Scotia where she saw a rainbow flag flying…outside a church. She approached our Worship team and asked if we could do the same. Choosing not to move too quickly, we approached Council who appointed an Affirming Team. This team connected with the national organization called Affirm United who shared with us the six steps we needed to follow in order to become a member of their organization. Our chair of Council shared a statement of our intention to become Affirming.

  • Step one was to create a Mission Statement exhibiting inclusivity. This continues to be read during a service once every month.

  • Step two was to develop an Action Plan. This included a visiting author, films, videos, chat sessions, a seminar, handouts about what the government says, what the church says and what Jesus said. Our minister Rev. Dr. Kate Crawford delivered 5 sermons relating to what the Bible says. We held special Affirming themed services and a Minute for Affirming appears once a month in the Shorelines newsletter of our church as a reminder of our Mission.

  • Step three was to develop an inclusive marriage policy which we already had and fine-tuned.

  • Step four was to have a vote by all members and adherents asking their support in becoming an Affirming Congregation. As a result, over 90% voted yes.

  • Step five was to join Affirm United, pay an annual fee and receive our certificate of membership.

  • Step six was to celebrate! In September of 2017 we held a special celebratory service on a Sunday afternoon with special speakers, special music and cakes.


The Affirming Team continues to meet monthly and we are proud to fly the rainbow flag. Recently we were pleased to work with the municipality of Lambton Shores who have now installed a rainbow crosswalk near the beach. Our team and our church continue to receive appreciation and support for these initiatives and we have new projects in planning stages to promote acceptance and inclusivity for everyone.

Our Favourite Movies

Love, Simon

The Prom


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The Affirming Team provides leadership in education, discussion and reflection as our congregation moves towards becoming an officially Affirming Congregation, and a member of Affirm United/S'Affirmer Ensemble.


This means that we are explicitly and publicly welcoming and supportive of persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and committed to the inclusion in congregational life of all persons -- in our diversity of ability, race, colour, economic circumstances, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life challenges.


Chair ~ Betsy Hanes and team member Janice 



Our journey to become an Affirming congregation for LGBTQ persons began in 2013 when a member of our church returned from a visit to Nova Scotia where she saw a rainbow flag flying…outside a church. She approached our Worship team and asked if we could do the same. Choosing not to move too quickly, we approached Council who appointed an Affirming Team. This team connected with the national organization called Affirm United who shared with us the six steps we needed to follow in order to become a member of their organization. Our chair of Council shared a statement of our intention to become Affirming.

  • Step one was to create a Mission Statement exhibiting inclusivity. This continues to be read during a service once every month.

  • Step two was to develop an Action Plan. This included a visiting author, films, videos, chat sessions, a seminar, handouts about what the government says, what the church says and what Jesus said. Our minister Rev. Dr. Kate Crawford delivered 5 sermons relating to what the Bible says. We held special Affirming themed services and a Minute for Affirming appears once a month in the Shorelines newsletter of our church as a reminder of our Mission.

  • Step three was to develop an inclusive marriage policy which we already had and fine-tuned.

  • Step four was to have a vote by all members and adherents asking their support in becoming an Affirming Congregation. As a result, over 90% voted yes.

  • Step five was to join Affirm United, pay an annual fee and receive our certificate of membership.

  • Step six was to celebrate! In September of 2017 we held a special celebratory service on a Sunday afternoon with special speakers, special music and cakes.


The Affirming Team continues to meet monthly and we are proud to fly the rainbow flag. Recently we were pleased to work with the municipality of Lambton Shores who have now installed a rainbow crosswalk near the beach. Our team and our church continue to receive appreciation and support for these initiatives and we have new projects in planning stages to promote acceptance and inclusivity for everyone.

Our Favourite Movies

Love, Simon

The Prom

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