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Community Wellness Program

We are happy to announce our Community Wellness Program Coordinator is Christine Wilde

phone: 519-933-9453



Our Community Wellness Program 


Our Values

Faith/Love of God = BELIEVING

Community/Inclusion = BELONGING

Compassion/Compromise = INVITING


Our Mission Statement

Our relationship with God and each other strengthens us, and helps make the world a better place. We welcome and include everyone into congregational life.


Our Vision Statement

We seek to make this community a reflection of God’s plan, to be a safe haven for ALL who seek peace, justice, freedom; a place where differences are celebrated and accepted as gifts; where new ideas and new ways are not feared but rather embraced as we learn to expand our hearts so that ALL are welcome. We affirm that this includes persons of ALL sexual orientations, gender identities races, abilities, ages, economic circumstances and talents. Jesus knew no boundaries. He reached out to all people, honouring ALL in their diversity.


We celebrate the richness this brings to our church. We are called to be a part of a ministry that welcomes and includes ALL, honours the gifts of each and recognizes that ALL receive God’s abundant grace.

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Opening Doors: Building Community

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POEM - By Ryan Lalonde

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