About Us
we are always stronger together

Land Acknowledgement

Right Relations

Breaking Down Barriers
The Affirming Team provides leadership in education, discussion and reflection as our congregation moves towards becoming an officially Affirming Congregation, and a member of Affirm United/S'Affirmer Ensemble.
This means that we are explicitly and publicly welcoming and supportive of persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and committed to the inclusion in congregational life of all persons -- in our diversity of ability, races, colour, economic circumstances, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, and life challenges.
Land Acknowledgement
“We were not the first people on this land nor will we be the last. In the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, we are reminded that for many centuries, the First Nations Peoples shared this land and resources with the Creator in peace. We remember and honour the NAMED people whom we often forget or hurt; the Anishinaabe, Attawandaron, Lunaapeew, and the Ojibwe/Chippewa nations.
We will stop thinking of ourselves as owners of the land, as we recognize our responsibility as a community and treaty-bound people to face historical and ongoing injustices, and to renew relationships with First Nation, Metis and Inuit people through truth, repentance, community service and respect.”
Stronger Together
Right Relations
The Right Relations Working Group is working to help us all live more fully into reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Our three main areas of interest are responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, raising awareness of aboriginal issues within our local community, and establishing links with the local reserve.
We use material from the United Church of Canada, Kairos, the London Conference Living Into Right Relations Committee, the National Film Board, to name some sources. We feel honoured to acknowledge that the land upon which our community is settled was part of the traditional territory of the Attawandaron and Ojibway peoples.

Reaching New Heights Together
Our facility is totally accessible - with accessible parking and mobility parking, large accessible washrooms on both levels equipped with grab bars, accessible sanctuary seating with chairs easily moved to accommodate walkers and wheelchairs. We have headphones available upon request for those hard of hearing, and the entire church is a scent-free zone!